Nokia 5800 XpressMusic's smaller successor, the 5530 XpressMusic, is all set to make its India landing in the not too distant future. The phone, which is set for a global launch by month end, might just see a simultaneous launch in India. The phone can be termed a scaled down, better looking version of the 5800 XpressMusic.
In addition to 5230, Nokia also announced 5530 XpressMusic for the Indian market. The phone sits nicely in between 5230 and 5800XM and brings a 2.9-inch display, 3.2MP camera, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, EDGE, microSD card slot, 3.5mm audio jack and customizable shortcuts on the home screen.
So, if you have been dying to buy the 5800 XpressMusic and would like to save some money on an equally capable, better looking (personal preferences!) device and do not mind the lack of 3G, you know what to do we guess? Having said that, as of now, we really do not have any inkling as to how this device would be priced vis-a-vis the 5800 XpressMusic.
In addition to 5230, Nokia also announced 5530 XpressMusic for the Indian market. The phone sits nicely in between 5230 and 5800XM and brings a 2.9-inch display, 3.2MP camera, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, EDGE, microSD card slot, 3.5mm audio jack and customizable shortcuts on the home screen.
As for the price, the 5230 will sell for around Rs. 11,000 and 5530XM for around Rs. 14,000.
So, if you have been dying to buy the 5800 XpressMusic and would like to save some money on an equally capable, better looking (personal preferences!) device and do not mind the lack of 3G, you know what to do we guess? Having said that, as of now, we really do not have any inkling as to how this device would be priced vis-a-vis the 5800 XpressMusic.
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