Interesting news for all Facebook users, Facebook version 1.5 is expected in this january 09 for Blackberry application. As we hope facebook 1.5 has a lot of cool features including the ability to invite and accept friend requests, upload pictures on-the-go, and live status updates for all of the friends on your list.
Facebook for BlackBerry version 1.5 is due out in the first month of 2009, and with it comes a whole whack of new features including deeper integration with Facebook and more. New features in Facebook 1.5 for BlackBerry include:
* Access & Manage Facebook Phone Book - view friends phone numbers, request friends phone numbers, publish your phone number and even add numbers to your BlackBerry address book.
* New Account Creation - create a new Facebook account directly from your BlackBerry.
* Facebook Birthday & BlackBerry Calendar Link - automatically import & link friends birthdays to your BlackBerry Calendar.
* Facebook Event Calendar & Blackberry Calendar Link - save Facebook events into your BlackBerry Calendar. Facebook events will be a different color and an event reminder notification can even be set up.
If this wasn’t enough good news, Facebook 2.0 for BlackBerry is in the works for later in 2009.
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Source (IntoMobile)
what about facebook chat? will that come soon or does it already exsist but i dont know about it... let me know how i can acccess it.
February 19.....still no 1.5. I expect 1.5 in June and 2.0 in 2011.
Yes Facebook chat - that is a great point to make. This would be brilliant or another applications just for FB chat. Like BBM.
FaceBook is still not available :(
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