Novell cyber security research

According to allegations made by Novell in his research Threat Assessment. It was found that computer security is a topic not too much to heart the companies that participated in the survey.

Apparently the greater vulnerability in corporate networks comes from their endpoint devices or desktops, laptops, PDAs, smartphones, MP3 players, USB storage devices, etc.. The security holes come from various bad practices that most companies reiterated.

The first problem concerns the protection of data. About two-thirds of companies surveyed said they were not in any way to encrypt their data and not to make any control over the data being copied to and from devices endpoint staff.

The second reason for concern comes from Mobile devices. Mobile devices in fact, once you leave the corporate perimeter, in 90% of the cases are connected to wireless networks insecure, increasing the appeal of being corrupt and in turn infect the company network. According to data from Novell, the situation would be disastrous since that 76% of companies reported that they had no way to ensure the integrity of their mobile devices.


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