Have you ever thought how great and clickable it would be to put your AdSense blocks into your header in your blog on blogger? not near it, not on the top of it or right next to it but in it!
For this you have to make some changes in the code (Don't Worry its quite easy)
Go to edit HTML and I hope you all know where it is and how to find it))) ok Find this part of code in your HTML:
<div id=’header-wrapper’>
<b:section class=’header’ id=’header’ maxwidgets=’2′ preferred=’yes’ showaddelement=’yes’>
Found it? now change lines in this code the way I’ve written in my example, other words, change maxwidgets for 3 and allow showaddelement and so on…
Check template–> Page elements and you should be able to see one page element in your header, if you have done everything correct.
Now you can easily insert there your HTML/JavaSript code that you have received from AdSense or just use Adsense widget in your blogger widgets menu, in two words now you are the king of AdSense on your Blogger.
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