10 Best PC Games Ever

MSN Tech examined 30 years of PC gaming history to identify 10 of its all-time greatest games.


What Makes a PC Game Great?

What elements push a game beyond mere goodness and into greatness?

To this author, PC games are best when they deliver a transcendent gaming experience that is possible only with the aid of a personal computer: They don’t simulate board or card games, reproduce real-world sports or try to approximate movies. They are an art form unto themselves.

I surveyed dozens of PC game developers, asking them to share their picks for the 10 greatest PC titles of all time. In addition to weighing their opinions, I took into account factors such as influence, innovation, design and replay value.

To be considered, a game must have achieved most of its prominence on a PC platform. (This explains why “Tetris,” for example, didn’t make the cut: It was clearly the Nintendo Game Boy’s killer app). I defined a “PC” as any consumer computer that has a keyboard the user can program with arbitrary code — not just a PC of the IBM variety.Continue reading »

Source [GeoTauAisay]


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