SEO tips for Apple’s App Store

If you still think mobile SEO is only about WAP pages and the mobile web, you may have been living under a rock since July 10, 2008, when Apple launched their App Store for iPhone and iPod Touch. few months back they announced their 1 billionth App download, and many out-of-work programmers are wondering how to become the next App Store millionaire.

In the new world of digital content optimization or digital asset optimization content can and should be optimized to make it more visible on many popular platforms including Apple’s App Store, BlackBerry App World, Nokia's OVI and others. Their are different articles that you've seen on App Store SEO seem to focus on more black hat techniques like keyword stuffing with unrelated keywords, but there are white hat ways to get your content to the top of Apple’s App Store search engine as well.
  • Make an interesting App that doesn’t violate Apple’s guidelines.
  • Keep an eye on the Top 50.
  • Integrate Facebook Connect.
  • Use keywords in the app name.
  • Encourage users to write reviews.
  • Mention popular related apps in body copy.
  • Use old-style keyword density in body copy.
  • Promote the App with your web content.
  • Offer a lite version of a paid app.
  • Alert relevant communities.
For Complete details of tips Click Here


Just For Laugh said...

Keep up the good work. Look forward to reading more from you in the future. Thanks

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Wow, great information. I could say my knowledge in seo is already broad but I find it nice to see people giving out tips and new information.

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