BlackBerry Desktop Manager for Mac (Beta)

Calling all Mac + BlackBerry users... BlackBerry Desktop Manager for Mac, in all it's final beta status. Beta shmeta, who cares right!? Blackberry is ready to release the official RIM sanctioned desktop Blackberry Sync for Mac, so if it hits the interwebs a little early, all the better for aching Mac/Blackberry users.

This is version 1.0.0 beta software, which means there may be some glitches still, but if you're a Mac owner and have been waiting years for this then you may just want to throw caution out the door and give it a go (do so at your own risk of course!).

I installed it on my Mac all good. If you're not familiar with BBDM for Mac, you can visit for more details and you can click the link below to download the unofficial release.

You can download it from here (thanks to CrackBerry):


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